Welcome to I Prefer Hotel Rewards


I Prefer Hotel Rewards

I Prefer Hotel Rewards is a complimentary points-based loyalty rewards program for your guests. Members can enroll at any participating hotel, on your hotel website, or on iprefer.com and its associated brand websites. With opportunities for Members to earn points towards free nights and additional benefits during every stay, the I Prefer Program allows you to reward your guests on their first visit and each return stay…all while telling your independent story.

Through Regional Engagement Specialists located around the world, the I Prefer team leads program development, brand strategy, and marketing campaigns and assist hotels directly with implementation and operations.


Review the I Prefer Hotel Rewards Program’s FAQs here


For an overview of the I Prefer Hotel Rewards program, the value of loyalty programs to travelers and hotels, and how you can make the most of I Prefer at your property, click here.